Strange new worlds.
Strange new worlds.
Love is all we need.
Love is all we need.
New dimensions.
New dimensions.
Passion blazed above reason. High there the soul burned with doubts.
Thoughts, feelings, cares are confused. In another world you begin to move.
Letter from the Worlds. To come. We said.
Letter from the Worlds. To come. We said.
And here sages, seers-astrologers and priests, a whole swarm, saw the starry sky again. Gather here and honor the brave warriors, the learned men. And the sciences are moving forward, their fruits will come in turn. Stories and emotions. Love - what would we be without it? You feel so lost, so detached, so alone, but you're not. In all our searching the one thing we found that made the emptiness bearable was that we needed each other.